Best Trees to Plant Near Pool and its Benefits

If we are looking for the best trees to plant near a pool, then there are several of them. However among other trees two of the most recommended trees are palm tree and banana tree. These two trees are the most beneficial to be planted near the pool due to several reasons. Care to know what kinds of benefits that these two trees have to offer if you planted them near your pool? Here are some of the reasons why you should plant these two trees near the pool.

The benefits that you can get if you plant palm tree or banana tree near pool

  1. Palm Tree Before we begin to describe the benefits that palm trees have to offer and why it is one of the best trees to plant near a pool, we need to know that palm trees are pretty common in places with tropical climates. Therefore, it is pretty easy to find this type of tree in tropical places.

    Palm trees are an ideal choice as trees suitable for planting around pools because their roots typically grow straight downward. Due to this reason, it means that the tree's roots will not go into the direction of the water inside the pool. Additionally, due to the strong roots that grow downward, it will also strengthen the soil and prevent erosion that may happen if the soil is near a pool.

    Another interesting benefit that you can get if planting this tree is the large and dense leaves it has to offer. This means palm trees can be grouped together to maximize shade and improve the privacy of the pool area. Finally, palm trees can also give a tropical atmosphere to any area it is planted. With all of these benefits then it is no question that palm trees can be considered one of the best trees to plant near a pool.

  2. Banana Tree Technically banana trees can be considered as herbal plants, however they resemble trees in appearance. Their large shape alone makes them a viable option for pool areas and can even be considered as one of the best trees to plant near a pool. These fast-growing perennial plants have broad leaves that are suitable for tropical-style pool landscapes. Banana trees can also reach heights of 4.5 meters in just a few weeks.

    Just as explained before, bananas have large leaves, this means, just as palm trees, banana trees are also suitable to be planted near a pool as their large leaves will provide us shade that cover us like a canopy. However, even though this plant can provide enough cover there is one thing to be considered if you want to plant this tree. The only consideration is that banana plants require warm conditions to grow and are prone to toppling in strong winds. Due to this reason, it is a wise decision to plant the trees in an area that is not too windy.

Other than these two trees, there are of course other plants honorable to mention. Several of them are citrus trees and cypress trees. These two also have similar benefits as banana and palm trees and can be considered as the best trees to plant near a pool.
