Goldfish Plant Care: Straightforward Ways to Care for the Unique Plant

You should understand proper goldfish plant care if you want to have something unique and lush at the same time. If you take a look at the plant, you’d understand why it gets the name.

The tubular petals are coming in orange and red, and they really look like a (leaping) fish. Some people even call it the flying fish plant. No wonder if the unique houseplant is becoming popular for homeowners who want to add some bright colors into their personal living space.

Interesting Facts about the Plant

Do you know that there are some goldfish plant benefits to expect? Yes, when you have one at home, you can be hopeful for positive outcome.

• Expect the plant to be long-lasting. You can even expect it to last for one decade if you do the goldfish plant care correctly.

• It’s a versatile plant that is just perfect for decorative purpose, whether you do it outdoor or indoor. You can also even have it in a terrarium or a simple hanging basket.

• The plant is considered safe because it’s non-toxic. It means that you can have it around kids or pets.

• It helps you to purify the air. The colorful plant isn’t only gorgeous, but also useful to create cleaner environment.

• On the contrary to what people think, caring for this plant is relatively easy. In fact, the plant is very likable among beginner gardeners.

How to Propagate the Plant

Doing goldfish plant propagation is quite easy. Just follow the steps and you should be good.

• Choose a healthy stem (the non flowering one) from the main plant, preferably 2 or 3 inches in length. Make sure that there are no buds on the tops.

• Right under the leaf node, make a cut. Use a pair of sterilized scissors or shears to do it.

• Take away the lower leaves and any remaining flower buds. Let several leaves remain on the top.

• You should place the cut within a small pot that is already filled with the potting mix. Choose the well-draining and moist one.

• Make sure that the potting mix remains moist. Place the new plant in a bright and warm location, but make sure that it doesn’t get direct sun exposure.

• If you do it properly, you should be able to see new roots within several weeks.

• When the roots are settled and they have been established quite well, remove (or transplant) that new plant to a newer and bigger pot.

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General Caring Standard

So, how should you perform the goldfish plant care?

• The plant loves indirect and bright light. Filtered sunlight is the best as direct sun will burn the leaves.

• It also loves moist soil with good drainage system. Go with potting, perlite, and peat moss soil mix and DON’T use the heavy soil or clay soil.

• You need to water the soil, but keep it moist – not wet or soggy. Don’t overwater as you can experience rotting to the roots.

• The plant likes warm and rather humid environment. Put it in a place with 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Create a humid surrounding so the plant will survive.

In the end, this plant is super easy to care and maintain, but make sure that you follow the right caring directions to the letter. With proper goldfish plant care, you have nothing to worry about.