The Essential Guide on Fruit & Vegetable Plant Food Nutrients

Most gardeners know about fruit & vegetable plant food nutrients and how important they are. But they still believe that it's only a matter of giving enough fertilizer. The fact is you can learn a lot from knowing the nutrients for your plant.

What Are Fruit & Vegetable Plant Food Nutrients

A plant needs at least 13 different nutrients from the soil. The amount they need differs based on the species and the soil condition in their native land. Here are several nutrients that your plants need.

  1. Natrium, Phosphor, and Potassium (NPK) The first group of nutrients that a plant requires the most are Natrium, Phosphor, and Potassium. Natrium is the primary food for a plant, and while they can get it naturally from the air, it may not be enough. Phosphorus and Potassium are crucial to improve photosynthesis and plant resistance. The latter even works to increase resistance against diseases. This trifecta is common in various fertilizers. However, each product has a different amount of NPK composition. Some fertilizers may have more Natrium while others have more Phosphorus or Potassium. You need to know which one is best for your plant. Doing a soil test before planting will help you choose the best NPK composition. But of course, you still need to give your plants maximum care.

  2. Magnesium This nutrient is crucial for chlorophyll, which also can affect the plant’s ability to photosynthesize. When your plant looks dry or wilted, it may be lacking magnesium. Having a weak trunk also can be a telltale sign. You can solve this issue by using Epsom salts or magnesite on your plant. When you know the best fertilizer composition, you can make your mix for your plant.

  3. Sulfur This nutrient is fundamental to helping the plants to produce their signature smell and taste. You can think about onions or even Durian. But a plant exudes aroma to attract bugs and help them grow.

  4. Calcium Your plant needs calcium for growing new roots and improving the plant’s health. You can add lime to boost the Calcium in the soil. However, it may backfire and cause magnesium imbalance.

  5. Micronutrients Just like a human body, a plant also needs numerous micronutrients. They range from iron, zinc, copper, and manganese. These micronutrients have different functions from the macronutrients in general. For example, zinc and iron are essential for leaf growth and expansion. But zinc can easily dissolve within iron and render it unusable. In addition to having fertilizers to balance the soil nutrients, you can spray the plants for their micronutrient needs.

Why You Should Know All This

The first and foremost is to optimize your plant's growth. The plant takes most of the nutrients from the soil, but not all soil is fertile or ideal for the plant. Knowing the necessary nutrients will help you fertilize the soil and keep the plant to have enough nutrients. As a result, your plant will grow big and have the best fruits and flowers.

As you know more about fruit & vegetable plant food nutrients you can be more aware and sensitive to what your plants need. Even as a casual gardener, knowing these nutrients will help you to have the best plant.